Audition for
The Great Imitator
We are casting for local staged readings in Southern California!
Please mark your calendar for Friday, September 9, 2022, and watch us in person in Santa Ana, CA at the Wayward Artist!
WHAT: This play blends documentary theatre and imaginative departures from reality in order to creatively advocate for the Lyme disease community.
WHY: Survivors of persistent Lyme disease often struggle with medical gaslighting and lack of access to treatment. Our mission is to build community, raise awareness, and fundraise for treatment grants.
WHEN: Casting for local staged readings in Fall 2022.
WHERE: Must be willing to work in Orange County, California.
LILY. Female lead aged 17 to early 20s.
FAIRY GODMOTHER, eccentric and wise. Occasionally acts as narrator.
SPIROCHETE, quirky, physical comedy and comedic timing a must.
HANNAH/ SUSIE, friends of Lily.
JOGGER, wears running shorts & shoes. Friend of Lily who can do an amazing bend & snap.
LILY’S MOM, fierce and caring advocate.
AGITANT, not afraid to ruffle some feathers.
VETERAN DAD, soft-spoken yet strong. Older male.
LYME DOCTOR/ THE PROFESSOR/ HANNAH’S MOM, strong and intellient.
JOGGER’S MOM, knowledgeable and calm.
STEPHENI, veteran. Founder of an urban farm.
REP WHITSETT, black woman, middle-aged, dressed for a political stump speech.
2 swings.
**Actors of all ethnicities and genders are encouraged to audition.
How to Audition
Film yourself reading 2 excerpts from our script (click here to download selected monologues). You can be on book. Can be filmed on an iPhone.
Email us with subject line “Audition for The Great Imitator Readings 2022.” Address to hello@patriciacosulich.com and taylorwindle15@gmail.com.
Once selected, we will rehearse both in-person and via Zoom this summer/ fall. After our reading on Friday, September 9, 2022 at the Wayward Artist in Santa Ana, additional performance opportunities may arise. This is why we are casting swings— so we can have a little SoCal troupe!
Compensation will be provided per reading.
DEADLINE: ASAP. Rehearsals begin the week of August 8, 2022.